Monday, 30 September 2013

The Originals

2013-02-17 London Wetland Centre 009

2013-07-14 Goudse Hout 010The Latin word for goose is anser. And different geese have been given different scientific names like Anser This or Anser That. But since I am always trying to find the English, Dutch and Latin names for any animal I take pictures of, I found quite some birds that have a scientific name that is just two times the same word. I have started calling them “the originals” and in this blog I will show a few examples.

The Greylag Goose is indeed called Anser Anser.

As the ancestor of most domestic geese, the greylag is the largest and bulkiest of the wild geese native to the UK and Europe. In many parts of the UK it has been re-established by releasing birds in suitable areas; the resulting flocks (often mixed with Canada geese) can be found around gravel pits, lakes and reservoirs all year round in southern Britain (source: RSBP website).

I took this picture in the Goudse Hout in Gouda (The Netherlands), as I described in my blog of 15th July. And whilst is is just a common goose, I think it is a beautiful bird.


After the goose, it should be obvious to turn to the swan. The Latin word is cygnus and the actual Cygnus Cygnus is the Whooper Swan. I have only come across the three residing in Regent’s Park in London. They are truly majestic and proud swans with their bright yellow beaks and graceful presentation.

2011-09-25 Regent Park 029


2013-01-05 Whipsnade 005We have all flown a kite when we were young. Or just recently when we were not so young. But the Latin word for kite is: milvus and the bird called Milvus Milvus is indeed the Red Kite.

This magnificently graceful bird of prey is unmistakable with its reddish-brown body, angled wings and deeply forked tail. It was saved from national extinction by one of the world's longest running protection programmes, and has now been successfully re-introduced to England and Scotland (source: RSBP website).

Nowadays you can see many Red Kites in Oxfordshire and Berkshire, for instance when you are traveling along the M40. They hover over the motorway just like that.

I came across this bird a few times, and when I was in Whipsnade Zoo I was able to take some shots of the bird in flight.

A typical wader is the Northern Lapwing. And this is again one of the “originals”, because the Latin name is Vanellus Vanellus. They are normally found at water edges and have a very distinct green colour pattern.

2012-12-30 London Wetland Centre 001


2012-05-29 Ruislip Lido 004The Eurasian Wren is also one of the “originals”. Their scientific name is  Troglodytes Troglodytes. That name is taken from the Greek word "troglodytes" (from "trogle" a hole, and "dyein" to creep), meaning "cave-dweller", and refers to its habit of disappearing into cavities or crevices whilst hunting arthropods (source: Wikipedia).

There is a story that the birds decided to organize a contest for the bird that could fly the highest. The Wren estimated that he had no chance unless he invented a trick. He hid in the feathers of the Eagle and when the Eagle could not get higher, the Wren began his flight…and won the contest. Since then, he proudly keeps his tail up.

And so we come to the end of this blog. But I cannot just finish, without showing (again) a picture of the Greylag Goose. This last picture was also taken in The Netherlands, near the Reeuwijkse Plassen (lakes near the town of Reeuwijk).




2013-07-15 Goudse Hout 006

Sunday, 22 September 2013

First day of the Autumn

2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 003

There are different ways to tell that the Autumn has started. According to the calendar, the start was yesterday. The sun will progress further south towards the the Tropic of Capricorn. and some trees already have brown and yellow coloured leaves. The weather is changing slightly.2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 016

Widgeons (Anas Penelope) have returned to London Wetland Centre and mushrooms flourish in abundance.2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 018

But today was still a warm day with all the activities that could have been seen throughout the Summer.

Here are some more pictures of today’s walk in London’s WLC.


2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 011


A Water Vole (Arvicola Amphibius) is foraging, undisturbed by me, when I took it’s picture. The 45o angle of the bite marks (see photo on the right) are a typical sign that they are around.2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 010









Not only have the Wigeons returned, but a few Common Teals (Anas Crecca) can be seen as well at London’s WLC.

2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 004 2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 007

But the Migrant Hawkers (Aeshna Mixta) are still flying and mating as if it is full Summer. And with the forecast of high temperatures this week, it will take some more time, before the Autumn finally and truly begins.

2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 019

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Just a common duck

2012-02-11 Ruislip Lido 010

If you don’t know anything about birds, or ducks for that matter, you still would recognize a Mallard Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos). Maybe not by the name but this is what we all know as “a duck”. There are so many to be seen. Every pond or local little lake in every village, town or city has them as their inhabitants.

2012-06-02 London Wetland Centre 003But in this blog I will show you that although they may be very common, they are actually quite beautiful.

Their ducklings are very cute and they are looked after by the mother; the father doesn’t bother too much.

2013-06-23 Ruislip Lido 007He will however loose his bright colours after the breeding season and adopt the “ladies colours”. This is where a drake becomes a drag queen.


Normally they are very tame and you can approach them quite easily. They simply wait for you to feed them. A nice activity with children. There is not much more I can add, other than to show some more pictures of this very common but beautiful duck. More information can be found on the WiKi-page.

2012-02-19 Ruislip Lido 006

2012-02-11 Ruislip Lido 004

2012-03-11 London Wetland Centre 016 2012-05-26 Ruislip Lido 001

2012-07-05 Ruislip Lido 001