Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2013: A Year in Pictures, July- December

2013-11-10 London Wetland Centre 024

Now that 2013 is truly over, I want to start with a Happy New Year. This in my last blog on pictures I took in the second half of last year. And there will be less words to read, since a picture speaks more than a thousand of them. The banner on top shows three different types of geese: the Barnacle (Branta Leucopsis), the Red-breasted (Branta Ruficollis) and the Lesser White-fronted (Anser Erythropus).


A Black-tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum Cancellatum) and two mating Tortoiseshells (Aglais Urticae) were definitely the highlights of insect life that I witnessed.

2013-07-14 Goudse Hout 002 2013-07-05 Copse Wood 010


2013-08-14 London Zoo 004An Otter sticking its head out of the water is always nice to see. As is the little penguin in London Zoo.

But the Common Darter (Sympetrum Striolatum) That posed for me was by far the best of the year! So much so, that I have to show it as big as possible.

2013-08-14 London Zoo 005


2013-08-23 Copse Wood 001


Walking around the London Wetland Centre, I “stumbled” upon a Water Vole (Arvicola Amphibius). The little rodent was not in the least disturbed by me and nibbled happily on its food.

2013-09-22 London Wetland Centre 011


I was so glad that the Wigeons (Anas Penelope) had returned that I wrote a separate blog about it. This duck behaves like a goose and therefore it is only appropriate to show it with two geese.

2013-10-06 London Wetland Centre 008


Sometimes, you are very lucky to take a shot that turns out to be very satisfactory…even if you just happened to push the button by chance. This picture of two Canada Geese (Branta Canadensis) in flight is such an example.

2013-11-23 Ruislip Lido 010


2013-12-28 London Wetland Centre 022It has been a fantastic year for photography, although you have to find the occasions, venues and opportunities. But following all kind of social media on this theme did help indeed.

The Tufted Duck (Aythya Fuligula) on the right takes a bath to look fresh again for the year that light in front of us.

And I will continue to enjoy the beauty of nature like the Blue Tit (Cyanistes Caeruleus) below.

Have a wonderful and picture perfect 2014!





2013-12-22 Mayesbrook Park 009

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