Monday, 26 May 2014

Exercise and Babies at Whipsnade Zoo

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2014-05-25 Whipsnade 029Although the White Rhinoceros’s (Ceratotherium Simum) did no seem to be up for any exercise, yesterday at Whipsnade Zoo there was quite some of it going on. Whipsnade Zoo is part of the Zoological Society London (ZSL) and many animals at the zoo have new arrivals in their families; the weather was inviting enough to shake off the winter gloom.

This Mara ((Dolichotis Patagonum)) was looking whether it was safe to cross the road, before her family could follow safely. They walk all over the park and this mum did not seem to be bothered by the public, even when feeding the toddlers.2014-05-25 Whipsnade 037


2014-05-25 Whipsnade 025The American Flamingo's (Phoenicopterus Ruber) are always busy with their neck acrobatics'. It is quite a challenge to get the shapes this way…and even more to straighten afterwards!

But they are always very colourful and I wonder who has to get up early to put a little paint on them before the public enters the zoo…

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2014-05-25 Whipsnade 045Four Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur Catta) females at the zoo have a total of six babies amongst them this year. They are just adorable with their striped tails already in full colour.

But as any child would do, they keep very close to their mum…just in case.

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The Asian Elephants (Elephas Maximus) and the American White Pelicans (Pelecanus Erythrorhynchos) each have their own way of doing some exercise. Especially the young elephants are busy trying to get the grass under control for a well deserved snack.

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2014-05-25 Whipsnade 020All these pictures were taken in Whipsnade Zoo on Sunday 25th May. It was a wonderful day with many beautiful animals to see, much more than I have shown here. But I have to finish this blog with a picture of a Red Kit (Milvus Milvus) of which there were at one point four flying and battling in the air above the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) enclosure.

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2014-05-25 Whipsnade 021

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